How to Include the Entire School in a Fundraiser

Fundraisers that benefit local schools, like those organized by PTO or PTA organizations, are BIG!BIG! events that include opportunities for everyone to use their talents for BIG!BIG! success. Since school fundraisers are important to support critical initiatives for students, they help create a common goal to rally everyone together: teachers, administrators, students and parents. Here are some fun ways to include the entire school in your next fundraiser.

Five Ways to Involve Your Whole School in a Fundraiser:

  1. If school principals are willing, have them volunteer to dress up in a silly costume to kick off the fundraiser. One of our customer’s principals dresses up as a slice of pizza to start their fundraiser off in a fun way. Your principal could also offer to do something wacky if you make your goal, like serve lunch for the students or temporarily dye his or her hair.
  2. Teachers can offer low cost or no cost prizes for students who reach their goals. If your school sets a goal for each student to work towards, teachers can keep the selling fun for all students by offering incentives like class leader or by offering a small item like a pencil when a student reaches the goal.
  3. Parents can help sell the Pizza Kits to friends, family, and co-workers. This is a great way to reach people who want to help support your goal. Sell to F.R.A.N.K.  Friends, Relatives, Acquaintances, Neighbors, Kid’s activities. Parents can remind their customers that the Pizza Kits are made with quality ingredients from a brand name they can trust. Little Caesars® pizza is already a household favorite!
  4. Coaches and school teams can advertise your school fundraiser during events. This is a great way to get the word out about the purpose of your school fundraiser. Bring order forms with you and you can even accept sales for Pizza Kits right at these events. Put up posters (you can get these for FREE from us) to help promote your school’s fundraiser in a big, visual way.
  5. Parents, teachers, and school staff can help to organize delivery day.  Delivery day is the perfect time to have lots of volunteers help sort, organize, and distribute your delicious Pizza Kits. You can ask parents or teachers or the school staff to help with this part of the fundraiser. Don’t forget to take a picture and send your fundraiser story to us! We will feature your school on our website.

There are lots of ways for your entire school to get involved in your next Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser in fun and different ways. Your school is full of talented people who can each help your fundraiser in their own unique way. If you are interested in starting a Little Caesars Pizza Kit Fundraiser and earning at least $5 for every Kit you sell, we can get you started today. You'll be amazed at how quickly the profits will add up for your school. Learn more about earning BIG!BIG!Dough! today.

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